Solutions that Fit Our Wallet
The pandemic has taught us one thing is certain in business; the unexpected is right around the corner.
merit Technology Solutions led the way for us to join a cloud-based environment allowing us to continue business from anywhere and at any time when the traditional model proved impossible.
Best of all, their recommendations are the best fit for us and our wallet.

Preferred Service
High Point
Merit Lets Us Work On Our Business Not In Our Business
merIT Technology Solutions transitioned us to a cloud-based solution and set up remote access for our employees which resulted in greater efficiencies, especially during the pandemic.
merIT keeps us current on where IT is going and advises us of solutions to potential issues and/or system improvements.
When a problem does arise, merIT’s help desk is a huge help for our staff.
Running a business with merIT as our IT service provider allows us to work on our business while they work in it.

United Anesthesia
Peace of Mind with GREAT Value
In today’s workplace, IT security is extremely important; and it is frequently undervalued.
merIT Technology Solutions provides us with the services that fit out needs without pushing products that are not necessary.
Best of all, merIT is very responsive and keeps our business running smoothly.
merIT provides excellent service at a great value. Make the call to merIT Technology Solutions and you will not be disappointed!

AM Erectors, LLC
Winston Salem